B , B & P


Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution refer to the methods of resolving disputes without litigation. ADR regroups all processes and techniques of conflict resolution that occur outside of governmental authority. The most popular are mediation, arbitration, conciliation, negotiation and transaction.

The Organisation on the Harmonisation of Business Law has as one of their objectives to foster the use of ADRs. In this light, two uniform acts have been drawn up in this regard;

  • The Uniform Act on Mediation adopted on November 23, 2017 in Conakry (Guinea) to later enter into force on the 15th of March 2018
  • The Uniform Act on Arbitration adopted on November 23, 2017 in Conakry ( Guinea) to later enter into force on 15th of December 2017

Our Alternative Dispute Resolution department is made of trained personnel in both arbitration and mediation procedures and will be able to handle any case which comes our way.